速報APP / 娛樂 / Live Fish - Live Wallpapers for Fish wit

Live Fish - Live Wallpapers for Fish wit


檔案大小:29.7 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 10.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Live Fish - Live Wallpapers for Fish with Black BG(圖1)-速報App

Live Fish † Black BG † Unique † Animate † Live Wallpapers

User Guide:

- Set iPhone Lock Screen -

1. Start up the Live Fish app, choose any Live Photo you want, save to camera roll.

Live Fish - Live Wallpapers for Fish with Black BG(圖2)-速報App

2. Go to the Photos app and select Live Photo you want.

3. Tap the Share button.

4. Tap the “Use as Wallpaper” button to the Share sheet (all the way to the right).

5. Swipe and pinch to zoom to frame the Live Photo just the way you want it.

Live Fish - Live Wallpapers for Fish with Black BG(圖3)-速報App

6. Press down to play the Live Photo so you can make sure the action fits perfectly.

7. Make sure the Live Photo button is selected and tap Set.

8. Choose Set Lock Screen.

9. Press on the screen to see this wallpaper animate.

Live Fish - Live Wallpapers for Fish with Black BG(圖4)-速報App

Download now, Enjoy it!

Live Fish - Live Wallpapers for Fish with Black BG(圖5)-速報App
